Colorado Labradoodle Breeder

The connection between your Labradoodle dog and you will last a lifetime.
 ‘Unconditional love with kisses,’ that’s our motto at Agape Labradoodles, a Colorado Labradoodle breeder. We chose these dogs to breed after much research. We love our dogs, and you will too.

We are a Colorado Labradoodle breeder, and the dogs live with us, so we know what great dogs they are. Labradoodle dogs are great with children and are very easy to train. They get along well with other dogs. They are extremely sociable, clever,  and even-tempered. They are the kind of dog that everyone loves and their cuteness just won’t stop!

The Labradoodle dog was originally bred to be an non-allergy, non-asthma, and non-shedding friendly service dog. The Australian Labradoodles went on to prove they were also playful, joyful, gentle, loving, versatile family and therapy dogs. Their beautiful coat colors include: chalk, cream, apricot, chocolate, cafe, and black and silver. Chalk, cream and apricot/gold can have rose or black pigment. They are wonderful dogs with great personalities.

As a Colorado Labradoodle breeder, we can help you choose a Labradoodle that is perfect for your family, or to keep you company. Unconditional love with kisses. If you take one of our dogs home, you will see why that is our motto.

Please call Colorado Labradoodle breeder, Agape Labradoodles, or go on our website and see the photos of our wonderful dogs! Just be warned, you will fall in love, and the memories will last a lifetime.

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