Labradoodle facts

What will you call your labradoodle?


Choosing a name for a new family pet can be easy or difficult. Sometimes you catch one glimpse of your puppy and think ‘He’s a Charlie’ or ‘She’s a ‘Molly’. Other times, great debates might ensue – or as we call them: kids v parents’ arguments!

We recently found a list online of over one hundred suggested names for labradoodles that had been gathered. We’re not sure this was scientific research! But, just for fun, here are some of the choices provided…

Watson (perhaps paired with Sherlock?) – Loki – Hazel – Maverick (flying goggles anyone?) – Dexter – Oreo (so cookie) – Simba (likes lion around) – Mocha and Phoebe (a real friend?).

We thought you’d enjoy those suggestions as a bit of fun – as choosing a name really should be. The great news is that no matter what he or she is called, the labradoodle you take home will soon be a precious and loving family member…

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